3 Tips for Finding a Good Emergency Dentist ASAP

September 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ccmarion @ 4:40 pm
An emergency dentist in Marion treating a patient

You’re usually pressed for time when you have a real dental emergency. After all, it’s essential to treat severe dental issues as soon as possible! If you don’t, you’ll suffer major harm to your oral health. That said, you may not know how to find urgent care for your problem. Luckily enough, though, your local dental practice can help speed up the process. Read on to learn three great tips for finding an emergency dentist in Marion.

Look for an Emergency Dentist Who’s Qualified

You’ll need a dentist with the proper credentials if you want rapid and effective care. In particular, it’s best to look for one who has relevant training, education, tools, and so on. Otherwise, you won’t get good service.

Other details to look out for include the following:

  • Whether the dentist’s office offers same-day visits
  • An after-hours phone number you can call
  • A special e-mail address you can use as another way to reach out.
  • If the practice tells you their typical response time

Contact Their Office at Once

Most dentists set aside time in their schedules for emergency patients. That said, contact your preferred one at once for treatment. If a dental practice isn’t close, you can also use the ADA’s online tool to find the nearest certified dentist.

You should even call a dentist if your emergency is outside regular business hours. They may still pick up and set an appointment for you. At the very least, their voicemail may have instructions for emergencies or provide a phone number for an on-call emergency dentist.

If Necessary, Visit an ER First

Despite your best efforts, you sometimes can’t see an emergency dentist quickly. When that happens, you should probably visit your local hospital’s ER. While this choice isn’t ideal, hospital doctors can at least give you antibiotics or painkillers. Such things can be very helpful if you have an infection or severe pain.

Then again, an ER may be just what you need if your emergency is life-threatening. An emergency room, you see, is better equipped to handle things like a broken or fractured jaw, a deep facial laceration, or difficulty breathing or swallowing.

As you can see, you shouldn’t panic when trying to find an emergency dentist in Marion. Instead, rely on the tips above so your smile can get the speedy care it needs.

About the Author

Dr. Eric Buck is a dentist based in Marion, OH, having earned his DDS from the Ohio State University College of Dentistry. He’s also a member of the American Dental Association, the Ohio Dental Association, and the Columbus Dental Society. Thanks to his education, his specialties are preventive, cosmetic, and restorative treatments, including emergency procedures. Dr. Buck currently practices at Cross Creek Dental Care and is reachable on his website or by phone at (740)-725-8000.

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