5 Oral Health Tips to Follow During Your Summer Vacation

June 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — ccmarion @ 11:48 am
man visiting dentist in Marion

As the sun begins to shine brighter, the excitement grows; you feel summer approaching. Soon, you’ll be heading out on vacation for some well-deserved rest and relaxation. In the midst of enjoying yourself, you want to maintain your oral health. To ensure that your teeth and gums remain in good condition, a dentist in Marion says follow these 5 simple tips!

#1 – Drink Water

Technically, you should be drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of water. That means that a 200-pound person would need to drink at least 100 ounces of water to be properly hydrated. This guideline is especially important to follow during summer. Drinking an adequate amount of water will help your body produce more saliva, which plays an integral role in flushing your mouth of lingering debris and bacteria.

#2 – Always Keep Mouthwash

Vacation schedules can be hectic. If you’ll be on the go quite a bit, it’s a good idea to keep some mouthwash on hand. This can be quite helpful when you don’t have time to brush and floss your teeth after a snack or meal. Rinsing with mouthwash serves as a temporary way to flush away debris and bacteria until you can perform your normal dental hygiene routine.

#3 – Cutback on Carbonated Beverages

Although many carbonated beverages are tasty and refreshing, they can be detrimental to your oral health. The acids they contain can contribute to wearing down your tooth enamel (the hard-outer part) and leave you vulnerable to developing cavities. If you choose to treat yourself to a bubbly beverage, be sure to brush and floss around 30 minutes afterwards.

#4 – Use a Straw

If you decide to sip on some lemonade, an adult beverage or a carbonated drink, you can lessen the effects on your teeth and gums by using a straw and finishing the drink quickly. Not only will this help to decrease any tooth damage, but it will also limit the chances of any staining.

#5 – Satisfy Your Sweet Craving with Fruit

It’s something about being on vacation that makes your tastebuds scream for sugar. While it’s okay to occasionally indulge in desserts and other sweet treats, it’s important to monitor your intake. Sampling some of the region’s delicious fruits is a much healthier way to satisfy your sweet craving and support your oral health.

By implementing these summer oral health tips, you can be sure that when you return from your vacation, your teeth and gums will be in good shape. That’s a win-win situation!

About the Author

Dr. Aras Mortazavi earned his dental degree from The Ohio State University. Throughout his career, he has remained an avid learner, pursuing postgraduate training to further expand his knowledge. Dr. Mortazavi thoroughly enjoys helping patients overcome any previous issues and reinvigorating their dental health. He provides preventive care for patients of all ages at Cross Creek Dental Care, and he can be reached for more information or to schedule a visit through his website.

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