How to Supercharge Your Dental Health in the New Year!

January 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — ccmarion @ 1:28 pm
woman writing New Year’s resolutions

You’re excited to see January 2021. You’ve made a list of New Year’s resolutions, and improved health is at the top. This includes making positive changes in your dental care, but how should you go about it? It’s really simple, as long as you have the right game plan. As you continue reading, get some helpful and user-friendly tips for achieving your dental health goals!

Call a Dentist Today

Instead of waiting, call a local dentist now to schedule a visit. While there, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned, and you’ll receive a checkup. If there are any issues, like cavity development or gum inflammation, they will be spotted. This is to your advantage, because when problems are identified and treated early, the chances of experiencing a dental emergency decrease significantly.

If You Don’t Floss, Start Now

Toothbrushing cleans around 60% of your teeth. What does that mean for the other 40%? If not addressed, bacteria and plaque will form in the tight crevasses where a toothbrush’s bristles can’t reach. Using flexible dental floss will allow you to get into those snug spaces to ensure you have healthy teeth and gums.

Take a Bold Step Against Sugar

It’s no secret that sugar can be a nemesis to dental health. When consumed and allowed to linger in the mouth, it attracts oral bacteria. As the microorganisms feed on the sugar, acids are released that can eventually wear down the enamel (the protective outer layer of the teeth). Cutting out simple sugar, found in items like candy, sodas, juices, pastries and similar sources, will help to prevent tooth decay.

Look for Sweet Alternatives

You don’t have to completely give up on satisfying your “sweet tooth.” Instead of the typical snack items, try eating healthy fruits like apples, pears and bananas. You can even get sweet deliciousness from vegetables like carrots and corn. While these foods still contain sugar, it’s not as detrimental to your oral and overall health. That means they don’t attract the same number of bacteria as snack items. All it takes is the presence of mind to make better choices when cravings arise.

Don’t Put Off Important Dental Work

When you bite into food, you feel slight discomfort in a tooth, but you think, “It’s not too bad; I can wait.” The issue with this line of thinking is that the problem will only get worse. If ignored long enough, it can potentially develop into a dental emergency. By taking the time to visit a dentist at the first sign of trouble, you can prevent enduring intense pain, save money and have a healthy smile.

Experiencing excellent dental health isn’t complicated. It just takes a strategy, the commitment to make it happen and the help of a dentist in Marion. By taking the right steps, you can enjoy the best dental health ever in 2021!

About the Author

Dr. James Leon is a graduate of West Virginia University. As part of his continuing pursuit of excellence, he has received postgraduate training from the Frank Spear Institute and other prestigious organizations. Dr. Leon helps patients maintain superb dental health by providing preventive dentistry at Cross Creek Dental Care. He can be reached for more information or to schedule a visit through his website.

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