There are thousands of types of oral bacteria living inside your mouth, and every time you eat or drink, they hurry to feed on any leftover debris. One of the ways to protect your teeth and gums is to practice excellent dental hygiene, but there is still more that you can do. As you continue reading, a dentist in Marion provides some healthy snack ideas that will compliment your oral health instead of acting as a hindrance.
The Main Threat to Your Oral Health
When it comes to snacks, the primary nemesis is sugar (glucose). When you consume an abundance, you can expect more bacterial activity inside your mouth afterwards. That’s because glucose is the food of choice of oral bacteria. Therefore, one of the first things to look for before consuming an item is how much sugar it contains.
Incorporating More Fruits into Your Snack Regimen
Let’s face it; we all have sugar cravings. The good news is that you’re not expected to just ignore it. Thankfully, there is a way to satisfy the urge in a healthier way then settling for a piece of candy or dessert item.
Substituting fruit is always a better choice. A great example is an apple. Not only is it full of sweet deliciousness from the naturally occurring sugars it contains, but it also helps to remove lingering debris from your teeth as you chew it.
Whole-grain Crackers Instead of Cookies
Another factor to consider is how fast the sugar you consume will convert to glucose after you eat it. A great reference guide to use is a glycemic index, which ranks common foods. The lower the number, the slower the food turns into simple sugar in your bloodstream, which is better for your oral and overall health.
So instead of eating cookies, which rank high on the glycemic index, choose an alternative like whole-grain crackers, which contain more complex (slower digesting) carbohydrates.
Look for Foods Higher in Protein
Eating snacks higher in protein will help to stabilize your blood-sugar and limit your cravings for sweets. Here are some options to consider:
- Nuts
- Turkey
- Chicken
- Yogurt
- Beef jerky
- Sunflower seeds
- Hummus spread
To further maximize your efforts and ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy, visit a local dentist every six months for preventive care. These appointments will leave you with stronger and more attractive teeth, and the peace-of-mind of knowing that your efforts for achieving the best oral health possible aren’t in vain.
About the Author
Dr. James Leon earned his dental degree from West Virginia University. With over 30 years of experience practicing dentistry, he knows what it takes for patients to enjoy the best in oral health. In addition to providing comprehensive care, Dr. Leon makes each visit an educational experience. He offers preventive dentistry at Cross Creek Dental Care, and he can be reached for more information through his website.